
Friday, May 29, 2020

How to start a sticker book

How to start a sticker book

  1. Get a folder or a photo book.
  2. Name your folder or photo book.
  3. Put paper in your pages your going to use, then name the pages different colours e.g Red Orange Yellow Green
  4. Buy some stickers and put your stickers in color coordination.
  5. Go to the pods with your sticker book.
  6. Pass your sticker book to the person you want to trade with.
  7. The person you are trading with will give you theirs to look at their stickers.
  8. Pick the stickers you want to trade and put them on an empty page.
  9. Then start trading!
  10. Make sure the trade is fair.
Meeting spot: Pods

                                                             Ideas for sticker book covers 

Please start a sticker book :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Ocean eyes

This is me and Minttus dance

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The story I will tell my children

The story I will tell my children

When I was younger there was this virus it was called covid 19 it was also called coronavirus. There was 4 stages 4, 3, 2, and 1. Level 4 was when you had to lockdown in your house with only the people that live with you and the only place you could go was the supermarket and the hospital. Level 3 was the same but you could invite a person in your bubble. level 2 was when you could hug people that you know but the people you didn't know you had to stay 2 meters away, and most of the places were open. Level 1 was normal. When covid 19 happened we couldn't go on the playgrounds, when we went into shops we had to stay 2 meters apart and sanitize your hands before going in, we had to do school work at home and talk to the teachers on this thing called google meets. The elderly people were most at risk of getting covid 19 so people had to get groceries and drop it at their doors. When we went grocery shopping only one person from your family could go in.

This is my covid 19 picture

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Minttu's interveiw

Favorite colour: Yellow

Favorite animal: Wolf, but cats are close

Favorite bug: Praying mantis

Favorite movie: Willy Wonka

Favorite food: Chips

Favorite book: Harry Potter series

Favorite drink: Ginger beer or water

Favorite shape: Circle

If you had to change your name what would it be: Maple

Who is your best friend: Eartha

Do you like pencils or pens more: Pencils because you can rub them out

Favorite number: 21

If you could go anywhere where would you go: Japan or France

Favorite hair style: Dutch plaits into ponytails

Favorite letter: “M”

Do you like cats or dogs more: Cats

If you could have a mythical creature what would it be: Griffin

Do you like warm or cold better and why: Warm because it's better then cold

Do you like reading or writing better: Reading

If you had a super power what would it be: To turn into any animal

If you could had to change our uniform colours what would it be: Dark blue and yellow

Friday, May 15, 2020

My cover

I got the idea for my cover off this video BENEE - Glitter (Official Video) I did Benee, a New Zealand singer. The bad guys are coming out of the portal, and there's all the plants and trees off the video. The main colours Benee used for her video were blue, black, and purple and I did a bit of green.
Photo of my cover ->

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Lorde facts

My dads interveiw

Favorite colour: Blue.
Favorite sport: Tiddlywinks.
Favorite toy when you were growing up: Humphrey.
Favorite animal: Elephant.
Favorite food: Salad.
Favorite time of day: Midnight
Favorite program growing up: Goodies.
If you had to pick 4 animals what would they be: Platypus, Weka, Elephant, Monkey.
If you had a monkey what would you name it: Jane orTazan.
If you had a power what would it be: To fly
If you were fast for 24 hours what would you do: Go to Thailand and hang there for the day.
What is your favorite, Christmas, Easter or Halloween: Christmas.
If it was your birthday what would you like for your present: Spaceship.
Where would you fly if you were in a spaceship: uranis.
Favorite country: Aotearoa.
Favorite book as a kid: The hobbit.

Thanks for taking your time to read this, please comment :) Please repeat the questions to yourself and put it in the comments.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

My mums interveiw

Favorite mammal: Whale.

Favorite mythical creature: Unicorn.

Favorite shape: Circle

If you had a cat what would you name it: Sugar.

Favorite colour: Yellow.

Favorite smell: Jasmine.

Favorite plant: Puka.

Favorite food: Salad.

Favorite program growing up: The waltons, little house on the prairie.

Favorite time of day: Sunny morning.

Favorite fruit: Papaya.

If you won 2 Million dollars what would you spend it on: Give some to family, Give some away to people who need it.

Favorite drink: tea.

If you could teleport to 2 places where would you go: Morocco and India.

If you could be an animal for a day what would you be: Cat or bird

Thanks for reading my mums interveiw :) Please repeat the questions to yourself and put it in the comments.

Monday, May 11, 2020

My cat interveiw

My cat interveiw

Name: Tiger

Age: 4

Birthday: 26 December

Type: tortoiseshell moggy longed haired

Likes: Adventuring, tickling under the chin, sleeping in her box and cuddling.

Favorite toy: Feathers wrapped in string.

Doesn't like: Drinking water out of her bowl

My cat always drinks out of the tap. When I tickle her chin she lifts it up. When she's hungry she meows. In the morning I wake up and my cat takes me to my tooth brush and my hair brush and after she takes me down stairs and looks behind to see if I'm coming. I'm teaching my cat how to roll over and she's starting to learn. When I throw something she hears it and runs after it but doesn't bring it back. She loves outside. When I put a blanket on the ground she runs under it and hides there and waits for birds and sleeps, at the end of the blanket she pops her head out. She is very fluffy and cuddly. She loves cuddles.

Where my cat likes to sleep

Benee facts

For New Zealand song day I'm writing facts about Benee, a New Zealand songwriter.


Benee's real name is Stella Rose Bennett.
Benee is 20 years old.

Benee is from Auckland.

Benee loves glitter, she coverd her band members with glitter, if you got close to her you would get some glitter bits on you.

When Benee was 12 she loved snails so she put lots of snails on her face so she could get into a world record book.

Benee loves the name Steve, Benees car is called Steve, she names every animal and object interesting Steve.
Benees favorite colour is yellow.

Benee used to make pizzas but now she's a famous singer.
Benees style of music is called Contemporary R&B.

Here's some of Benees songs: Blu, Glitter, Soaked, Find an island.

10 points

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mothers day

Mothers day

For Mother's day I made 11 things. In one of our rooms i put the heater on and set up a table with plants made out of paper, two presents wrapped up, cat bookmark, an open present that you pull it and it opens, i made a flower with a ladybug on it in a vase, i made a love heart thing that you pull and they flap over, a love heart changing color thing, a tree made of my hand and paper love hearts and two cards because i made one but then i saw this really cool card that you make so i did that. I woke my mum up with a cup of tea.

Here's a video of how they all work, click on the blue link, It was hard to show you, and record

Mother's day2.mp4

Friday, May 1, 2020

How to make chocolate leaves

How to make chocolate leaves

What you need: chocolate, a spoon or a rubber brush, leaves that are not poisonous and are medium size, are not flopy and it will look better if you can see the veins eg Comellia leaves, microwave, bowl, fridge.

How to make it: get a bowl out and put a good amount of chocolate for as many leaves as you won't, melt the chocolate in the microwave for around about 40 seconds depending on how hot your microwave is. Get some not poisonous leaves that are a good size, place the leaves so the front is on the table. Get the chocolate and get a spoon or a rubber brush and paint the back of the leaves, make sure there's no lines, make it thick. Place chocolate leaves in the fridge for about 1 hour and a half or 2 hours. After 2 hours or 1 hour and a half, slowly peel the leaf off the chocolate (some leaves will break but it's ok). Now you will have pretty and tasty chocolate leaves that you could put on cupcakes, muffins, cakes and more.