
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Don't let your weeds grow over

Your flowers are trying to make their way through the prickly weeds. Your trying to make your glowing yellow flowers shine brighter then ever, to make the weeds turn into flowers, one at a time they go “POP”, “POP”, “POP”. Flowers start spreading their way around your brain. Until your brain is filled with flowers. Now you’re happy and smart. Stay bright and don't let the weeds grow over.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Facts about endangered Tigers

1 Tigers eat carnivores.

2 Tigers are the biggest in the cat family.

3 Tigers can reach up to 3.3 metres.

4 Most of the cubs die over 2 years.

5 A group of tigers is called an ‘ambush’ or a streak.

6 Tigers normally hunt alone at night time.

7 Tigers can reach speeds up to 65 kph.

8 When tigers hunt they only get 10% of what they want to get.

9 Tigers can jump over 5 metres in length.

10 There are more tigers that people have as pets then there are in the wild.

11 Wild tigers live in Asia.

12 There are only 3,800 tigers in the world.

13 Tigers are endangered because of their loss of habitat.